Monday, February 8, 2010

Title & Registration

Inaugural post!

There. Got that out of the way.

So Val and I are running the Chicago Marathon this year. (Yes, on purpose.) We thought of starting twentysixpointtwos so that everyone we know can follow us through the whole thing (and confirm suspicions that we are, in fact, completely insane). But we figure not a whole lot of people actually understand (a) why we run (b) what goes into running something like a marathon (c) that we will admit that sometimes, it sucks as much as everyone thinks it sucks.

We'll be writing and sharing a bunch of stuff for the next 35 weeks because this will be Valerie's first marathon (!!!!!!!) and my third (on my way to my goal of 5 by 2012). It'll range from goals to thoughts to training schedules and to other things like playlists, sneaker shopping, and Gu preferences. Hopefully we get some cameos from our trainers because they're like...professionals and get paid to know things, and we're just kind of winging it without them.

We hope that this will not only give everyone a glimpse into the feat that is a marathon, but that we get everyone excited about it. Because I know that I would have never been able to make it through my first marathon (or second, for that matter) without knowing that I had friends and family along the way and at the finish line (my Dad still owes me 26 feet of running, by the way).

There's approximated 980 miles between Boston and Chicago - but all that really matter to us are the last 26.2.

First step of that finishing that run is starting. So:

Let the miles begin.

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